Today I had the privilege and honor to be the invited keynote speaker at the Steuben County Drug Court graduation ceremony. Often in the addictions world and in society we see the negatives regarding addiction and recovery. Today reminded me of the goodness within each human being. Addiction has the power to rob someone of everything; Mind, body, and soul. Recovery and hard work makes living a life of purpose possible.
If you find yourself struggling with motivation, allow yourself 20-30 mins to read the speech. Picture yourself sending loving kindness energy where you most need it in your life. Treatment and drug court are for worriers who want to fight for a better life and brighter future.
Below is a copy of my speech with names removed to protect identities of people involved. Please feel free to leave your reactions or personal stories about addiction or recovery in the comment section below. I am always looking for more opportunities to consult or do motivational presentations/speeches. Please message me if your organization has a current need.
A beautiful speech, Michael! I love that you offer such authentic and compassionate advice to people on their journey toward better health. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for your kind words and taking time to read the speech.