I created a Trauma-Informed 12-Step Series to help widen the conversation of complex trauma, dissociation, and wounding in 12-step work. The following 12 posts do not express the beliefs of Alcoholics Anonymous or any other 12 Step Fellowship. The writings and artwork are solely the opinion and creation of the author who is a therapist and a person in long-term recovery. The body of work you will read comes from my direct experience along my recovery journey, professional clinical work, and research in the field of trauma, dissociation, addiction, and recovery.
I envisioned three separate and connected audiences when I wrote this series. Recovery seekers working a 12-step program may benefit from these resources as a method to explore their own trauma work within 12-step frameworks. Please do not take these posts as clinical advice. The author does not intend to replace your personal therapy work with a qualified clinical professional whom you have a working relationship. I strongly encourage any recovery seeker to find a skilled trauma therapist to address any issues which emerge from reading this series or your life’s journey to this point.
The second audience is helping professionals who provide services for people with substance and/or process addictions. The tools contained in these posts may help you understand the clients with whom you are working. There is always more to learn around cultural diversity and recovery. If you would like additional resources, please do not hesitate to reach out. Seek consultation when a clients needs with respect to trauma, dissociation, addiction, and recovery rises above your professional skillset and competency. Professional ethics remind us to practice within our established codes of conduct and level of subject matter competency. It is strongly advised to seek out consultation and appropriate supervision.
At times the clinical work we embark on hits our own internal stuff. This experience is a normal part of our professional experience. It cannot be avoided. Therapists who identify dissociative connections in their daily life but may not be open about these matters publicly are welcomed to the conversation. I welcome further dialogue with therapists who are exploring their own internal world and recovery experiences. Consider finding a therapist who can help you unpack unresolved trauma and dissociation to help you connect in a more meaningful to skillful trauma and attachment work.
The information and resources contained on this website are for informational purposes only and are not intended to assess, diagnose, or treat any medical and/or mental health disease or condition. The use of this website does not imply nor establish any type of therapist-client relationship. Furthermore, the information obtained from this site should not be considered a substitute for a thorough medical and/or mental health evaluation by an appropriately credentialed and licensed professional.